Sis Kimmy Jenkins
At the age of 10 years old Kimmy Jenkins desired to become a dancer when she participated in a dance program at her elementary school, PS 70x. The excitement of the spotlight and the freedom it brought to her heart was exhilarating! It was that exhilaration that encouraged her to pursue the gift and talent blossoming from within. Growing up in a musical family, Kimmy remembers spending much time having fun dancing with her brothers to different genres of music at home. They spent hours competing and planning choreographed routines. She also spent some time learning how to step after seeing her older sister and her friends stepping in the basement of their home. Kimmy wanted to learn those moves, too, and she did. She honed her stepping skills to perfection by practicing routines with her close friends from church.
As her love of dance grew, Kimmy grew fond of modern dance. However, at the age of 16, Kimmy’s relationship with God grew stronger and she gave her heart over to the Lord wholeheartedly. At that point her dance style shifted from modern dance to liturgical dance. It was the best decision she could ever make as it brought more meaning to her life’s purpose.
Throughout her teen years into adulthood, she has created dance routines and taught dance to all ages. She has exercised her dance skills at many churches, at private sessions, and even won 1st place for a school talent show at Phipps Neighborhood Summer Program. But the most rewarding feeling for her is being able to share her intimate moment of worship with God through dance. Many have said that when she dances it’s like she becomes a different person. For Kimmy what they’re seeing is her love language. Currently at the age of 30 years old she has gained the understanding that dancing is a part of her ministry. She is fully aware that her gift is not her own and that she is nothing without God. Kimmy’s mission is to mentor and share her gifts with others.